Kristy Noll
Operations Manager / DE underwriter
Affectionately known as “CSI Kristy” at TMC, Kristy is an experienced underwriter with a knack for finding and solving issues with files. If there is something going on that is not being disclosed, she WILL figure it out.
Kristy is also known for being somewhat outspoken and lends her voice to those who can’t speak up for themselves, volunteering for Animal Welfare. She believes that if you’re passionate about something and want to see change, then you should put your time into it. She also finds it incredibly rewarding to work towards a goal that has nothing to do with personal gain. It’s not unusual to find her on the weekends working an adoption event for a local dog shelter.
When not promoting fairness and accuracy in mortgage lending, you will more than likely find Kristy spending time with her family, friends, three dogs, two cats and steady stream of foster animals. She also spends a lot of time at her son’s soccer or basketball games and simply relaxing on a patio with good wine, good food, good music and good friends.
Kristy was born in Kansas but grew up in the southwest, attended the University of New Mexico and calls New Mexico home. And although she has seen a lot of the world, the southwestern part of our country (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and of course, Colorado) is her favorite for its unique beauty. (But she’ll also never turn down an opportunity to visit and explore New York City with her oldest son who lives there.)
Kristy loves all types of music (especially rock and roll), attends a lot of concerts, knows a lot of music and movie trivia, can recognize dog breeds on site and is extremely proud of her two boys – both kind, compassionate, funny and talented humans.
She is inspired by people who choose to devote their lives to making the world a better place (doctors, scientists, humanitarian and animal rescue workers), as well as those who speak their minds and pursue truth (writers and journalists). Like them, she hopes to leave the world (after she sees as much of it as possible!) a little better than it was when she came into it.
Words Kristy lives by: “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.”